Jondra DMC Rosie
Flock nightlight and guide, dominant temperament with young people, though not the leader. Ideal to lead other horses out. Very attentive to the slightest human behavior.
Namaspamoos Fée Lady d’Hélios
Special horse. Very close to manking, away from others horses. Very soothing calm and attentive. Great potential.
Eole du Plan des Grès
Very close to mankind, very respectful and gentle in all circumstances.
Namaspamoos C Alya
Excellent mount for beginner, independent she choses humans and horses with whom she would like to get along.
Namaspamoos C Soukyna
Independent mare but focused on work. Is able to perform a lot of work given the right conditions.
Elya du Plan des Grès
Independent, cuddly and very sweet mare with good potential. Rare beauty.
Plandesgres Truffe de Rosie
Excellent little sport mare. Attentive and affectionate.
Plandesgres Dolly de Sakura
Good potential, ideal for a calm and patient rider
Y.S Sakura
Her very old bloodline has Indian blood, comes from the Canadian "Standing Rock" reserve , Sakura has undeniable charisma and a very sweet temperament.
Works well under western saddle and classic step and trotting.
Independent and excellent broodmare, good companion for a dominant mare.
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